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Awarded in recognition of our environmental commitment, La Almunia del Valle has collected in Monachil the 1st edition of the "Estrella de las Nieves" Council award.

Symbol of the National Park, this plant is well known as the plant of eternal love since it never dies. Unique and exclusive of Sierra Nevada, it grows above 2000 meters high. Characteristic by the distribution of its leaves forming a star. It is said that you have to give one of these flowers to the beloved one because as long as it does not dry out, the love will last.

From the beginning, in La Almunia del Valle we have had a clear commitment to the environment. In each step we have taken and each decision made, we have always taken into account the impact on the environment. We believe that day by day and being constant, with small actions that last over time you can achieve something great. This is why we want to share this award with all of you. Thank you for helping us in your journey through the Almunia to be more sustainable.

Note that in this project in which we are immersed, the collaboration of all the staff of La Almunia del Valle, suppliers and guests has been very important and we hope to continue counting on your help. Let's keep working together to enjoy this beautiful part of the world called Natural Park of Sierra Nevada